Country Lead Monitor
1. Directly manages and develops 8-12 staff
combined of Country Lead Monitors. Assures hiring, training, development,
compensation and advancement are in line with talent and job expectations.
Through effective management and development of direct reports, the Team Leader
ensures quality and compliance as well as ensuring country’s objectives are
met. Provides expertise and strong
leadership and management to direct reports and maintains a motivated and
competent staff.
2. Ensure projects/studies are resourced
appropriately by allocating or hiring the appropriate staff to deliver
project/study goals and by critically analyzing project/study needs while also
managing and measuring the workload and requirements of direct reports. These
activities are done in close alignment with Country Head and peers.
3. Accountable for all operational
activities related to global and country procedures applied in the site
management of applicable Phase I and all Phase II-IV clinical trials. This
includes country feasibility, site selection, site initiation, patient
enrollment and data cleaning processes direct reports are responsible for. The
GSM Local Team Leader assures that each direct report delivers high quality
study data required to support ethical standards and regulatory submissions in
compliance with global operating standards.
4. Responsible for managing internal costs
associated with direct reports and participates in the Country Head of Site
Management’s preparation and tracking of the overall departmental operating
budget. Responsible for tracking costs of direct reports appropriately and
provides estimates and accruals to Country Head on a monthly basis.
5. Quality Oversight - Oversees Corrective
Actions / Preventive Actions (CAPAs) of direct reports to ensure timely and
sufficient resolution. Conducts Oversight Visits for each Site Manager as GSM
expectations to ensure Site Managers are trained appropriately and to identify
potential training or development needs. Participates in Audit Review Meetings
and reviews all responses to audit findings prior to submission. Develops and
implements training and development plan in a timely manner based on any
deficiencies found or areas for improvement.
6. Continuously and proactively identifies
and proposes solutions for process improvement opportunities to Country Head
GSM, and communicates best practices to entire monitoring staff. Participates as member of Expert Working
Groups and provides feedback on SOP updates.
7. Coordinates responses of audits with
Global Quality Management. Proactively identifies actions to be taken at the
country level to improve upon audit and inspection findings. Supports Country
Head with follow-up of all Regulatory Inspections, Regulatory concerns related
to investigator integrity, GCP and the veracity of all clinical data in NDA,
CTD, PLA, SNDA and IND submissions.
8. Contributes to delivering Training
programs developed by GCDO ICH-GCP Training as well as coordinating all
training needs for permanent and CLMs.
Requires thorough understanding of global and local processes, Global
Drug Development and associated Global Standard Operating procedures (SOPs).
9. Contributes to development of country
clinical investigator network to support the portfolio needs for clinical
trials. Collaborates with Medical Science Liaison management to cultivate and
enhance clinical investigator relationships to support business strategy
/ Requirement]
The incumbent is a highly successful
candidate with extensive professional and academic experience. Key competencies
needed by the candidate include the following:
1. Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) with 8
years’ relevant healthcare experience including 4-6 years’ relevant clinical
development or clinical operations experience
2. In-depth knowledge of clinical
development and drug development process, global clinical development
processes, ICH-GCP, applicable legal, compliance and regulatory requirements
3. Leadership, motivational, and
collaborative skills are critical. Ability to lead staff in changing times as
well as strong interpersonal skills in the management and development of people
in a global environment
4. Administrative, financial, and technical
skills are required, as well as effective verbal and written English
communication skills in relation to both internal and external colleagues
5. Able to work effectively within a
multi-cultural, global, matrix organization
근무 형태: 정규직
근무 요일/시간: 주 5일(월~금)
근무 지역: 서울 영등포구 여의도동
급여: 회사내규에 따름
[기타 안내사항]
- 면접은 서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별통지 합니다
- 국가보훈대상자와 신체장애자는 관련서류 제출시 관계법에 따라 우대합니다
- 남자는 병역필 또는 면제자로 해외출장에 결격사유가 없는 자를 모집합니다
- 제출하신 서류는 일체 반환하지 않습니다.
- 입사지원서 내용에 허위사실이 판명될 경우 입사가 취소될 수 있습니다.
- 신체적 조건과 출신 지역, 혼인 여부, 재산, 구직자 직계존비속
및 형제자매의 학력, 직업, 재산과 관련된 정보는
지원서류에 포함하지 마십시오.
(단, 바이엘코리아에 재직 중인 가족이 있을 경우, 회사가 공정한 채용을 위한 조치를 취할
수 있도록 입사지원서를 통해 사전에 고지해 주시기 바랍니다.)