Country Group Finance Manager
[Position purpose (Main area : Tax and Accounting)]
The jobholder is responsible for the specific GFI function of the Country/Country Group, such as Accounting, Tax or Treasury.
-Regarding Accounting he/she is accountable for the preparation and presentation of the Financial Statements of a Country/Country Group in accordance with BKA Directive considering IFRS and Bayer Group internal steering purposes as well as the country/country group specific legislation.
-Regarding Tax he/she is accountable for all tax related activities in the country and represents Bayer in that regard to local tax authorities, to third parties as well as intra-group to the business and affiliated companies.
-Regarding Treasury he/she takes care of all treasury related activities in the
[Major tasks and responsibilities]
- Ensures the fulfillment of all tax
(compliance esp. Indirect tax) tasks in the country, creates value and avoids
risks via. respective tax consulting/business partnering and protects value in
audits and/or with litigations or due to appropriate documentations.
- Ensures compliance with relevant local
and global accounting policies, processes and procedures (BKA, BMA, ICS
- Ensure compliance with new legal country
specific requirements (K-GAAP, Taxes)
- Assess and analyze relevant and material
accounting issues, consulting with respective local and global functions and
with internal/external auditors, if required
- Manage and support statutory and tax
audits by local authorities and manage requirements.
- Acts as strategic partner to the
business, providing expertise on how business decisions impact on Tax and
accounting etc. Guide divisional business and functional decisions, esp. with
respect to M&A, divestments, new business models, strategy, sales
agreements, projects and new or changed local business development
- Ensures proper implementation of
globally defined group strategy (e.g. taxes), standards, best practices,
enablers (IT and concepts) and processes
[Needed Capability]
- University degree level or equivalent in
Finance or Accounting
- English language should be fluently
spoken and written
- More than 10 years of professional
experience in Group Finance
(Necessary to have experience on VAT and
Withholding tax)
- Understanding of complex business issues
and strategies
- Structured thinker with outstanding
analytical capabilities
- Open minded team player willing to learn
and teach
- Need Tax and Accounting related acumen
- Communications strategy and messaging
- Experienced in multidisciplinary project
and corresponding change management
- Thorough knowledge of the global and
local processes, laws and regulation
- Advanced Project and Change Management
capabilities incl. strong presentation and communication skills
- Driving character to understand and
simplify the needs of the business and translate it into business value by
avoiding financial surprises
- Ability to establish and maintain a
sustainable cross-stakeholder / GFI community network
근무 형태: 정규직
근무 요일/시간: 주 5일(월~금)
근무 지역: 서울 영등포구 여의도동
급여: 회사내규에 따름
[기타 안내사항]
- 면접은 서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별통지 합니다
- 국가보훈대상자와 신체장애자는 관련서류 제출시 관계법에 따라 우대합니다
- 남자는 병역필 또는 면제자로 해외출장에 결격사유가 없는 자를 모집합니다
- 제출하신 서류는 일체 반환하지 않습니다.
- 입사지원서 내용에 허위사실이 판명될 경우 입사가 취소될 수 있습니다.
- 신체적 조건과 출신 지역, 혼인 여부, 재산, 구직자 직계존비속 및 형제자매의 학력, 직업, 재산과 관련된 정보는 지원서류에 포함하지 마십시오.
(단, 바이엘코리아에 재직 중인 가족이 있을 경우, 회사가 공정한 채용을 위한 조치를 취할 수 있도록 입사지원서를 통해 사전에 고지해 주시기 바랍니다.)