[Bayer CropScience] PPM/VC Marketing Executive

[Environmental Science(환경과학) 사업부 분사 안내]
You are applying for a position in Bayer’s Environmental Science business. Bayer intends to divest this business to Cinven in 2022. Cinven is an international investment firm focused on building world-class global companies & will enable ES to advance towards our vision of healthy environments for everyone, everywhere. 
With joining Environmental Science, you will be joining a global industry leader in its markets, with the opportunity to be part of forming a new company in an agile, entrepreneurial and passionate team.
We encourage you to discover more about our activities by watching the ES Dare to Explore video:

[Tasks and Responsibilities]
1. [Marketing initiatives]
Developing and implementing PPM&VC marketing initiatives to grow Top line and gain more market share from market & competitor analysis to assess market size, market potential and accessibility for PPM & VC segment.
He/she applies Bayer Value and Mission to reflect Market segment strategy which aligns with regional and global objectives on sustainable growth.  

2. [Portfolio management]
Proposing, developing and implementing product portfolio strategy from product category segmentation & portfolio optimization as well as product positioning and product penetration strategy.

3. [Strategic Brand Communication]
Developing and implementing strategic brand communication by working closely with PPM&VC market segment manager to enhance brand awareness and promote core brands internally and externally.
Choosing and using the right tools in digital and non-digital format for effective customer communication.  

4. [Operational excellence]
Following standard operating procedures in CRM, RIC, PMC, MEP and Customer segmentation, etc. to optimize results while collaborating with regional and global team for sustainable business growth.

5. [Market intelligence]
Gathering customer’s insight and market trends regularly.
Analyzing market dynamics and monitoring key activities of competitors, new research and changing government policy.
Planning and conducting market research (survey) and focus groups interviews when needed to know customer needs/demands. 

6. [Agency management]
Managing design/event agencies for communication to meet our objectives.
Creating marketing collaterals and monitoring local implementation/adjustment.
Following up the processes to ensure quality results and managing P&I budget successfully.

[Qualifications / Requirement]
1. Effective Communication Skills for interact internal with distributor, competitor and end-user.
2. Prefer Experience on Marketing at least 3 years.
3. Prefer Good English skill.



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