EYLEA product manager


[Tasks and Responsibilities (담당 업무 및 책임)]

1. Develop Brand Strategy

- Work with country cross functional brand team and collaborate with Regional team to develop the local brand strategy

- Propose strategic options, in alignment to the Regional/Global Brand Plan (where appropriate)

- Work towards maximizing growth opportunities whilst optimizing resources


2. Responsible for Brand Financial Performance

- Provide initial budget plans to ensure success and sales forecast for brand

- Responsible for regularly brand tracking and monitoring


3. Act as Brand champion with internal and external stakeholders

- Train and guide sales team on brand strategy and product knowledge (key selling messages, etc.)

- Develop and manage market and competitive intelligence through regular customer interaction (field visits, meetings, conferences…). Determine their impact to the brand


4. Manage the Marketing Plan

- Develop the brand plan with appropriate alignment to the regional brand plan

- Develop promotional materials/activities/programs/campaign that are consistent with the brand strategy

- Manage brand communications to the sales forces, thought leaders and external agencies to ensure consistency of execution in the brand strategy

- Track and monitor implementation of the brand plan and make mid-stream deviations when necessary.


5. Ensure Ethical and Compliant Behavior

- Ensure all activities supporting the brand is compliant with legal requirements and Bayer Corporate guidelines and regulations

- Communicate Bayer’s standards of Business Ethics and Compliance to both internal and external customers



[Qualifications/Requirement (자격/조건)]

- Master or Bachelor’s degree required, major in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry is preferred

- At least 3 years Product Marketing experience is preferred

- Experience in MNC Pharma industry preferred

- Commercial acumen and understanding of business financials

- Results oriented, resourceful, independent.

- Collaboration, interpersonal effectiveness and communication skills.  

- Excellent in verbal and written English, in addition to local language (as applicable).  



근무 형태: 정규직

근무 요일/시간 5(~)

근무 지역: 서울특별시 영등포구 여의대로 108, 타워2 (파크원)

급여회사내규에 따름



[기타 안내사항]

면접은 서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별통지 합니다

국가보훈대상자와 신체장애자는 관련서류 제출시 관계법에 따라 우대합니다

남자는 병역필 또는 면제자로 해외출장에 결격사유가 없는 자를 모집합니다

제출하신 서류는 일체 반환하지 않습니다.

입사지원서 내용에 허위사실이 판명될 경우 입사가 취소될  있습니다.

신체적 조건과 출신 지역혼인 여부재산구직자 직계존비속  형제자매의 학력직업재산과 관련된 정보는 지원서류에 포함하지 마십시오

(바이엘코리아에 재직 중인 가족이 있을 경우회사가 공정한 채용을 위한 조치를 취할  있도록 입사지원서를 통해 사전에 고지해 주시기 바랍니다.)