Service Business Manager 

[Tasks and Responsibilities (담당 업무 및 책임)]

1. Responsible for managing service team to achieve maximum productivity and employee satisfaction.

2. Ensure customer needs are delivered to meet or exceed their expectations.

3. Responsible for managing Korean technical support requirements.

4. Ensure Bayer direct and distributor service operation supports and promotes ongoing solution sales.

5. Facilitate technical training to internal and external personnel as required.

6. Introduce and develop service strategies to achieve the financial targets.

7. Build and cultivate a high-performance culture through recognition of performance, enforcing accountability for results, appropriate talent development and embracing Bayer LIFE2.0 attributes. Manage, coach, motivate, develop and train team.

8. Responsible for ensuring all activities within the service business are compliant with the local legal requirements and Bayer Corporate guidance.


[Qualifications/Requirement (자격/조건)]

1. Bachelor’s degree in Bio-Medical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or related field)

2. Between 7 to 10 years of relevant hardware and software service experiences in Medical or related markets.

3. Customer oriented, Team player, collaborative style

4. Giving positive impetus to the team members and the organization

5. Excellent problem solving and management skills 

6. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, including excellent English skills (spoken & written)



근무 형태: 정규직

근무 요일/시간 5(~)

근무 지역서울특별시 영등포구 여의대로 108, 타워2 (파크원)

급여회사내규에 따름



[기타 안내사항]

면접은 서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별통지 합니다.

국가보훈대상자와 신체장애자는 관련서류 제출시 관계법에 따라 우대합니다.

남자는 병역필 또는 면제자로 해외출장에 결격사유가 없는 자를 모집합니다.

제출하신 서류는 일체 반환하지 않습니다.

입사지원서 내용에 허위사실이 판명될 경우 입사가 취소될  있습니다.

신체적 조건과 출신 지역혼인 여부재산구직자 직계존비속  형제자매의 학력직업재산과 관련된 정보는 지원서류에 포함하지 마십시오

(바이엘코리아에 재직 중인 가족이 있을 경우회사가 공정한 채용을 위한 조치를 취할  있도록 입사지원서를 통해 사전에 고지해 주시기 바랍니다